Thursday 11 August 2011


so a quick recap of things

monday: was great because I worked out and even ventured into the 'hardcore' side of the gym

tuesday: was stellar because the rain meant that I could easily justify curling up into bed

wednesday: worked out and went for a mini-run, realized that I am not much of a runner, I just enjoy it because its something I can do to music

thursday: worked out again (can't believe I did 6 curls with 35s!); cardio was only until 200 calories but it was because the weight training went so well - i was sweating

right now, I just can't feel full...its killing me...REALLY craving a bagel and a cookie...tomorrow is pay day and I think I am just going to buy a delicious white fish (not tilapia nor basa, maybe haddock) and maybe some coconut water to add to some chocolate protein powder.

get to go to the cottage soon, which means temptation all around me. geez. i'm not ready for this jelly.

another fat habit I have to get over is weighing myself outside of doing it once a week. If I'm an ounce lighter I'm getting the bagel. I'm too weak for this.

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